Dawna-Campbell (Better Call Dawna)

Dawna Campbell - The Mind Whisperer

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Dawna-Campbell (Better Call Dawna)

Dawna Campbell

Schedule Appointment With Me Below


Pave you Path to Prosperity with Dawna Campbell

Dawna Campbell, known as The Mind Whisperer, provides the insights and tools you need to pave your way to abundance, prosperity, and love.

With over 25 years of transformative expertise, Dawna's unique ability to reshape the subconscious mind ensures you achieve happiness and prosperity in all areas of your life.

As a former Financial Advisor and Managing Principal managing over $500 million, Dawna brings a wealth of financial acumen to help you achieve remarkable results quickly. If you aim to consistently increase your wealth by 25% or more, Dawna’s results-oriented approach will align your thoughts, feelings, and emotions to catalyze rapid success.

Are you ready to develop unstoppable inner confidence and accelerate your journey to success?

Dawna’s heart-centered healing philosophy enables you to alleviate life’s stresses and live the life of your dreams.

A #1 international best-selling author and dynamic speaker who has appeared alongside notables like Sharon Lechter and Mark Victor Hansen, Dawna’s insights have graced major media outlets, including Fox News, NBC, CBS, and Yahoo Finance.

Working with Dawna isn’t just about consultation; it’s about undergoing a profound transformation that will redefine your future.

Contact Dawna today to start crafting your prosperous and joyful life.


Ready to unlock your true potential and achieve unparalleled success?

Dawna Campbell, The Mind Whisperer, offers you the keys to unlock your path to abundance, prosperity, and love.

With over 25 years of transformative expertise, Dawna's unparalleled ability to reprogram the subconscious mind ensures you manifest happiness and prosperity in every facet of your life.

As a former Financial Advisor and Managing Principal responsible for over $500 million, Dawna is a financial powerhouse who can expedite your remarkable results. If you're seeking to increase your wealth by 25% or more consistently, Dawna's results-focused approach can make it a reality by aligning your thoughts, feelings, and emotions for instant creation.

Are you ready to unleash unstoppable inner confidence and expedite your journey to success?

Dawna's heart-centered healing philosophy empowers you to release the stress of life and live the life of your dreams.

As a #1 international Best-Selling Author and a dynamic speaker who has shared the stage with luminaries like Sharon Lecter and Mark Victor Hansen, Dawna's wisdom has been featured on top media outlets, including Fox News, NBC, CBS, and Yahoo Finance.

With Dawna as your guide, you're not just working with an expert; you're achieving transformative results that will shape your destiny.

Contact Dawna today to unlock the door to your prosperous and joyful future.

Book an appointment call with Dawna

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Available Starting times for Wed, May 15, 2024

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Available Starting times for Wed, May 15, 2024

Client Reviews

My life has complexly transformed. I am comfortable tuning into Dawna f
or help with anything that I need. She is truly a world class healer.

~ Dan, filmmaker

Even as a writer I can scarcely put into words the impact Dawna has had on my life.

Dawna helped me clear blocks that I didn’t even know I had.

Once they were removed, everything began to flow, my relationships,

my self-worth, and even writing became easier.

I’m eternally grateful for her wisdom and guidance.

~ Julia Crane

I have a hard time concentrating and enjoying life after an unexpected death in my family.

After researching on the internet and reading several books,

I found positive thoughts and intentions increased my happiness.

I hear about Dawna Campbell from a friend. I

could not believe how she zoomed with all the work I was doing

to a level I never knew existed. I can find peace, joy, and comfort within myself.

~ Dhana Nelson
Real Estate Agent

In these troubled times, it is fitting that Dawna reveals how to acquire

an inner state o abundance in our common quest to

manifest prosperity in every aspect of our life.

~ William O. Joseph

International Author and Speaker

Dawna creates a beautiful roadmap to creating the life you want

in a purposeful, productive, and meaningful way.

~ Renee Reisch

Best Selling Author and

Creator of The Butterfly Effect.

Client Reviews

My life has complexly transformed. I am comfortable tuning into Dawna for help with anything that I need. She is truly a world class healer.

~ Dan, filmmaker

Even as a writer I can scarcely put into words the impact Dawna has had on my life.

Dawna helped me clear blocks that I didn’t even know I had.

Once they were removed, everything began to flow, my relationships,

my self-worth, and even writing became easier.

I’m eternally grateful for her wisdom and guidance.

~ Julia Crane

I have a hard time concentrating and enjoying life after an unexpected death in my family.

After researching on the internet and reading several books,

I found positive thoughts and intentions increased my happiness.

I hear about Dawna Campbell from a friend. I

could not believe how she zoomed with all the work I was doing

to a level I never knew existed. I can find peace, joy, and comfort within myself.

~ Dhana Nelson
Real Estate Agent

In these troubled times, it is fitting that Dawna reveals how to acquire

an inner state o abundance in our common quest to

manifest prosperity in every aspect of our life.

~ William O. Joseph

International Author and Speaker

Dawna creates a beautiful roadmap to creating the life you want

in a purposeful, productive, and meaningful way.

~ Renee Reisch

Best Selling Author and

Creator of The Butterfly Effect.

Realigning Reality with the Mind Whisperer

According to the law of attraction, the frequencies and vibrations of our thoughts radiate into the universe, shaping the reality we experience. Surprisingly, while we generate over 60,000 thoughts each day, only about 10 percent are consciously recognized—the rest are submerged within our subconscious.

Beneath each thought is an emotion or feeling that can either enhance or obstruct its manifestation. This emotional charge is critical; it can either attract or repel the outcomes we desire.

As a Mind Whisperer, I have a unique ability to uncover and address these hidden energies tied to thoughts that may be causing discomfort or impeding your growth. My role involves transforming these energies, enabling your subconscious to send the correct signals to the universe.

The result? A profound realignment of the energies behind your thoughts, achieved without distracting your conscious focus.

Clients who undertake this transformative journey with me typically report significant shifts in their emotional state—experiencing greater peace, love, and purpose, and a reduction in unresolved emotions like anger, sadness, depression, or anxiety.

Transformative Healing: Who Can Benefit?

This healing work transcends borders and cultures, appealing to individuals worldwide who are committed to living lives enriched with happiness, prosperity, and love.

Clients benefiting from this transformative approach typically fall into one of three categories:

Premier Personal Transformation:
This premier offering is designed for an elite clientele, including celebrities, top executives, and other high-profile individuals who demand the utmost in personal attention and transformative care. Limited to just eight clients annually, this service guarantees the highest level of exclusivity and personalized focus. Throughout the year, I provide round-the-clock transformative support tailored to your unique needs, including in-home sessions that ensure privacy and convenience. Together, we tackle profound health challenges and other deep-seated issues, using targeted strategies to dissolve energy blockages and foster significant personal and professional breakthroughs. This comprehensive, high-touch approach not only addresses immediate concerns but also sets the foundation for sustained health and success.

Fast-Track Transformation: Ideal for individuals and professionals, including business owners, entrepreneurs, and industry experts who are driven by a profound desire to enhance their lives swiftly and effectively. This service caters particularly to those in caregiving roles or service-oriented professions who are looking to make significant improvements in key areas such as financial growth, health, or relationships. Our targeted remote sessions and specialized courses are structured to deliver rapid and meaningful change, allowing you to see tangible results in under five sessions. Whether you're aiming to increase your income, improve your health, or deepen your personal connections, this service provides the focused support you need to achieve your goals quickly and efficiently.

Knowledge Seekers:  As a dedicated participant in the personal development landscape, you—coaches, healers, and mindset enthusiasts—are driven by an insatiable curiosity and a profound desire to deepen your knowledge. You eagerly seize every opportunity for learning, often investing in specialized classes and programs despite financial challenges, driven by a commitment to enhance your skills and understanding. Your ethics are deeply heart-centered; your main goal is to contribute to a better world. You engage passionately in activities that allow you to serve others, committed to your own growth journey, knowing well that transforming yourself is the first step to inspiring change globally. You recognize the paradox of striving for financial abundance while facing budget constraints, yet you remain dedicated to pursuing enrichment that transcends monetary gains.

The Power of Heart-Centered Healing

Our Heart-Centered Healing Philosophy is rooted in the understanding that the heart is the crucial nexus connecting body and mind, spirit and matter. It is the center of creation, where healing, balance, and renewal usher in a life brimming with joy.

Life's challenges often scar our hearts, leading to feelings of depression, loneliness, or anxiety. Yet, these very obstacles also present opportunities to reconnect with the divine love that forms our essence. In every challenge, there is a hidden gift and a chance for growth.

By healing the heart, we unlock a new way of living, characterized by renewed energy and the fulfillment of our deepest desires.

Our approach is tender and respectful, acknowledging the heart's sensitivity and vulnerability. We focus on gently dissolving old, stuck energies, enabling profound transformations that empower individuals to lead their best lives.

Comprehensive Life Transformation: Health, Wealth, and Relationships

Clients across the globe seek transformation primarily in three interconnected areas: health, wealth, and relationships. Positive shifts in any one of these domains can create ripple effects, enhancing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Health: Our journey often starts with health—our most tangible asset. Many physical conditions stem from persistent low-vibrational emotions. Our method focuses on identifying and releasing these underlying emotional energies, clearing the way for improved health and overall happiness.

Wealth: True prosperity encompasses more than just financial assets; it includes all aspects of abundance in life. People frequently let financial limitations curb their dreams. Our transformative work encourages a broader view of abundance, helping clients to see and seize opportunities for prosperity beyond mere monetary gains.

Relationships: At the core of human experience is the desire for meaningful connections. Whether it’s finding a soulmate, enriching family ties, or deepening other personal relationships, love is fundamental. Referencing Albert Einstein’s insights on love, we assist clients in deepening their relationships and fostering the love they yearn for.

Our holistic approach addresses these essential areas, guiding each individual towards a fuller life marked by enhanced health, increased prosperity, and deeper relational bonds.

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